black and white bed linen

Unmasking Fraud, Protecting the Truth

Join the fight against scams and ruggs with $DOKX and protect the integrity of FirstLedger.

Trusted by the fearless community

Created and Produced By: @Anon_LedgerKing

Unmasking Corruption, Empowering Truth

At $DOKX, we reveal secrets and expose fraud. Join us in the fight against corruption and be part of a movement that values ​​truth and integrity in the crypto space at FirstLedger.

Join the Movement

Defend Against Fraud

Our mission is to protect the community by exposing the corrupt at FirstLedger. Hold on to $DOKX and stay with us as we challenge the status quo and fight for a transparent future. Let's take down all scams together and make FirstLedger a safe and trustworthy space.

Join the movement

Join $DOKX to expose corruption and protect the integrity of the firstledger community.

Join the Fight

Become part of a movement that safeguards honesty and rewards those who dare to challenge corruption.

Unmask Scammers

Empower yourself with $DOKX and help reveal the truth behind fraudulent activities.

Help by reporting

We created a session so you can help the $DOKX movement by reporting FirstLedger fraud and scams

Value, Truth and Commitment

$DOKX, in addition to unmasking fraud and scams, will also reward Lague community participants and $DOKX holders

Token Defense

A shield against fraud and corruption in FirstLedger.

Hidden Secrets

Discover the truth behind FirstLedger corrupt activities.

Become part of the movement against token fraud.

Join the Fight
Pest control at FirstLedger

We will eliminate pests from FirstLeder

Value, Truth and Commitment

$DOKX, in addition to unmasking fraud and scams, will also reward Lague community participants and $DOKX holders

Token Defense

A shield against fraud and corruption in FirstLedger.

Hidden Secrets

Discover the truth behind FirstLedger corrupt activities.

Become part of the movement against token fraud.

Join the Fight
Pest control at FirstLedger

We will eliminate pests from FirstLeder

$DOKX Tokenomics

$DOKX has the simplest and truest tokenomics on FirstLedger

Development Team

4% of $DOKX tokens will be from the token development team


We will burn 5% of the supply, increasing the price and increasing the value of the token.


80% of the supply will be destined for trading


5% of Supply will be used for Rewards and Airdrops for holders and advertising partners

$DOKX Tokenomics

$DOKX has the simplest and truest tokenomics on FirstLedger

Development Team

4% of $DOKX tokens will be from the token development team


5% of Supply will be used for Rewards and Airdrops for holders and advertising partners


80% of the supply will be destined for trading


We will burn 5% of the supply, increasing the price and increasing the value of the token.

AntiScam System

What makes our project truly useful and valuable is our anti-scam system. See a small preview of what will forever change the way you trade at FirstLedger

It will be released 48 hours after the official launch of $DOKX.